Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Welcome to AP

This blog is where ALL information on due dates, projects, requirements will take place!

What you need to know about this class follow along here>>>Welcome to AP art presentation

* We have the NEW Photoshop and light room! With the creative cloud.. Its new to me too sooo we will learn together.

Frequently Asked Questions.. and their answers...

-Do I have to have a blog? YES this is part of acting like a professional photographer! All of your assignments need to be posted on your site for a grade! You should be used to this by now..

-Do I have to have an Instagram for my photography? YES! see above..

-Do I have to participate in art shows? YES this is a huge part of your grade! If there is a circumstance like... " Im going to state for track" there will be an alternate assignment. An excuses like " I have to work" is not acceptable. You are given art shows dates months in advance. TAKE OFF WORK ASAP!

-Do I need an expensive camera? NO! If you would like to buy a camera I can help you pick one out online that is refurbished.. no need to EVER buy brand new equipment.

-My friend has study hall now can they come in.... NO

-After turning something in late.. I turned it in now can you change my grade.. NO

DUE By Friday!
-Link to your new site or cleaned out photo two site by the end of the week-- Upload to the doc on our classroom !
-Blog Review next Wednesday!
-Start about me page on blog

This is your summer work grade!! 50 Summative point
3 blog posts 40 pts
Begin about me page 10 pts

Post One features your instagram-- must include your favorite images and have a link OR embed your instagram onto your site.. I would prefer this.. you will have more instagram assignments this year (20 photos to be posted on your insta)

Post Two: Pick 5 of your favorite images from the Sketchbook 200 photos and explain why they are your favorite and post a video describing why they are your favorite, and talk about the strengths and weakness of the images. In 90 sec's.

Post Three
Principals of design you were required to take 50-- post your top 10 and include what 10 you hit on

Post Four
Black and whites! you were required to take 25 photos! Create a post with your top 5! We will be critiquing next Wednesday and picking your TOP photo to be blown up at 8X10.

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